Know your type
Handy hints on fonts and typefaces. Typographic heirarchy, how many fonts to use and how to design a page of content that people will actually read.
Nail your colour palette
Getting your colour palette right is vital to communicate the appropriate look and feel for your brand. A children’s entertainer would look pretty dull if the logo was brown and black, and would you hire a solicitor with neon green and pink stationery? No matter how effective your logo design is, a brand can lose its appeal and won’t communicate to the right audience if the colours aren’t suitable for your audience and how you want to be portrayed.
Caring for your brand.
Caring for your brand. When we design your new logo and you have a lovely new brand, we want it to stay that way. We offer brand guidelines to use as a rulebook to follow for yourself and any graphic design you produce as your business grows.